6 Signs of AC Failure to Look Out For

6 Signs of AC Failure to Look Out For

Sam Leslie

Owner | Mesa Plumbing, Heating and Cooling

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The absolute worst thing during the hot heat of the summer is a broken Air Conditioning unit. It can make you and your loved ones feel extremely uncomfortable. Look out for these 6 signs of AC failure below so that you can ensure a fun, safe, and enjoyable summer and rest of the year!

Sign #1: AC is Making Loud Noises

One of the more easily noticeable signs of AC failure is hearing any sort of scraping, squealing, or grinding sounds after turning on your AC Unit.

A belt that slips out of place or other loose parts may be causing the loud sounds and could cause further damage if left untreated.

Sign #2:My Electric Bill Tripled

An electric or power bill that is suddenly much higher than normal is also a great indicator of AC failure, although not as quickly noticeable as loud noises.

Leaks in ductwork, broken thermostats, or the age of the unit can be factors leading to an increased power bill. An increased bill of any sort is not welcomed by most, so getting this checked out as soon as possible will likely be for the best!

Sign #3: Is that a possum I smell? – Odors

Your AC should be free of any smell, especially of any odor-filled smells. If a pungent smell can be detected, some situations indicate that wire insulation in the unit may have burned out. Mold is also a potential cause of a strong odor.

A professional is definitely needed if a strong odor is detected as mold or mildew from broken, smelly AC units can be harmful to the inhabitants of the house. Children are especially susceptible to harm from these odors.

Sign #4: Simply No Cool Air

One sign you truly cannot ignore very any period of time is if your AC unit is blowing warm air instead of cool air when desired.

On a typical day, your AC unit may struggle to maintain the same temperature as always. This is especially true if one of the hottest days of the summer rolls around. An AC professional can assist with this issue by adding freon to your system.

Sign #5: Thermostat Issues

The thermostat typically determines and dictates the temperature and degree of airflow on an AC unit.

If the AC unit refuses to turn on or only run for a brief period of time, it may be the right time to contact a specialist to fix the technical aspects of the actual thermostat. Chances are a broken thermostat no longer has the ability to accurately gauge whether or not the unit is still working.

Sign #6: Little to No Airflow

If very little air is flowing out of the vents it indicates that little to no circulation of the air is occurring.

Even if the right temperature (such as cool air) is coming out of the vents but just barely, what is the point? Air is not being circulated very well and this can be a sign of the AC unit’s compressor failure or ductal issues.