What is A Mini-Split HVAC System and Is It Right For You?

What is A Mini-Split HVAC System and Is It Right For You?

Sam Leslie

Owner | Mesa Plumbing, Heating and Cooling

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A mini-split HVAC system is one option to consider when adding heating and cooling to your home. In some situations, it can offer exactly what you need at a reasonable price. Let’s look at what a mini-split system is and whether it’s a good fit for your HVAC needs.

What Exactly Is a Mini-Split System?

Often referred to as a ductless mini-split, this heating and cooling system uses an indoor unit and an outdoor unit connected by a pipe.

The indoor unit hangs on the wall or from the ceiling. It delivers the heated or cooled air and you operate it using a remote control. That’s where the thermostat resides. It controls the temperature in that particular room or space.

The outdoor unit holds the compressor. That’s where heat exchange happens. The pipe between the two units holds coolant under pressure. If you need to cool the air inside, the coolant draws heat from the indoor air and takes it outside. In heating mode, the coolant draws heat from the outdoor air and takes it inside.

An outdoor unit can serve one or more indoor units, depending on its size and the configuration desired.

No Ductwork Required

One of the main advantages to the mini-split design is that it doesn’t require ductwork. This makes mini-split systems an ideal solution in certain situations where you need to heating and cooling to a space:

Converted attics and basements
Home additions
Garage apartments
Older homes that don't have existing ductwork

Installation requires a three-inch hole drilled through the wall for the connecting pipe to pass through. The indoor and outdoor units can be up to 50 feet apart, making it easy to location both units in optimal places.

Saves on Heating and Cooling Costs

Mini-split systems are also very energy efficient. They keep the zone cooled or heated based on a local thermostat, instead of one that serves the entire home.

Plus, you don’t lose conditioned air due to leaky, uninsulated ductwork. Up to 30% of the energy you spend on heating and cooling your home can be lost in the ducts. That adds up quickly.

A Few Things to Consider

While mini-split HVAC systems are great in many situations, there are a couple of things to consider before making a decision.

Mini-split systems have a higher up-front cost. If your home has existing ductwork, the cost of replacing your existing system with a similar one is going to be significantly lower than adding multiple mini-split systems. Even adding a mini-split to one room in the house can be expensive.

Whether you can recoup that additional cost in lower energy bills depends on your home, the climate in which you live, and how you typically use the system.

Another consideration is appearance. You will have an AC unit hanging from your wall or ceiling inside and the compressor unit sitting outside. Indoor units come in a variety of styles and sizes, so you can usually find one that’s unobtrusive.

Outdoor units need to be clear of any obstructions to work properly. Many homeowners use lattice work or fencing to camouflage the units.

Is a mini-split HVAC system right for you? A reputable, established HVAC installation and repair company that has a proven track record of working with mini-split systems should be just what you need to get you pointed in the right direction!