Top Evaporative Swamp Coolers

Top Evaporative Swamp Coolers

Sam Leslie

Owner | Mesa Plumbing, Heating and Cooling

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Evaporative coolers, also known as swamp coolers, are popular with homeowners in drier climates like Colorado because their running cost is lower than using refrigerated coolers. They also create better indoor air quality by drawing weather from outside through their cooling pads. As a result, the air that flows indoors is chilled, free of pollen and impurities. This type that people sometimes call swamp coolers use the principle of cooling outdoor air by passing it over water-saturated pads and make it evaporate.

One important difference between evaporative cooling systems and air conditioners is that the former adds moisture to the air in the surrounding environment. It then cools the interior through evaporation. Conversely, basic air conditioners remove moisture from the air to make it less humid and wet.

Evaporative cooling systems may have products from different manufacturers, but what are the top coolers for summer 2021? The following are our top 3 evaporative coolers to check out this summer:

Hessaire MC61M

The Hessaire MC61M is a well-balanced portable evaporative cooler with a high Cubic Feet per Minute (CFM), large water tank, and wide coverage area. It generates more airflow than many other types. The supercharged 3-sided cooling pads increase the overall surface area for water to evaporate. The process lowers temperature significantly. The 5,300 CFM Hessaire MC61M functions well indoors and outdoors. It achieves a total coverage reaching up to 1,600 square feet. It means that the cooling breeze can serve beyond the precincts of a large room. It can even operate as a vent less cooling system for a small or medium-sized house. It is an excellent cooler for patios or a picnic location during summer.

Honeywell TC50PEU

Based on 647 CFM with a coverage area reaching up to 365 square feet, Honeywell TC50PEU is good for indoor use. It is a type of evaporative coolers that function best at places with a relative air humidity of less than 60%. The cooling airflow may be lower for outdoor use, but it creates a cool lake breeze when indoors. A tower structure makes it compact enough to use in a little space as possible. The cross-section is 16×16 inches but towers over 53 inches enabling a unit to generate cool air from the entire length. A 12.5-gallon tank capacity is an outstanding metric for Honeywell TC50PEU since the CFM to tank capacity ratio is top in the industry. A power draw of 145W creates high energy efficiency. It can work for 8 hours at full speed and only spend 1kWh of electricity. The large tank and cost-effective operation make Honeywell TC50PEU one of the top swamp coolers for home or office use.


The OEMTOOLS 23976 is a robust evaporative cooler commonly used in commercial or larger residential settings. It is an energy-efficient evaporative cooler that functions well at outdoor event venues and construction sites. It achieves a cooling airflow of 3,100 CFM, making it one of the most powerful outdoor coolers. OEMTOOLS 23976 provides cooling spaces to large spaces of up to 959 sq ft. A fantastic part about its functionality is that it draws just 150W to run at full speed. That means users get a total of 3,100 CFM for a mere 150 watts saving more energy than most brands by up to 40%. OEMTOOLS 23976 has a 10.3-gallon tank capacity. The capacity to oscillate provides maximum coverage and air circulation. A combination of the factors about OEMTOOLS 23976 makes a cost and energy-efficient cooler with a heavy-duty structure that suits usage at any place.

If you were wondering about the best way to stay cool during summer in 2021, one of the evaporative coolers above would provide relief. Base your choice on whether you want to cool the air indoors, outdoor, or in a larger, multi-floor residential area, and contact a reputable HVAC installation company that can handle the more complex task of installing multi-room evaporative cooling systems, especially if it is of the lar