Home Automation System Trends

Home Automation System Trends

Sam Leslie

Owner | Mesa Plumbing, Heating and Cooling

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More people are adding home automation systems to their residential properties as a way of boosting the efficiency, safety, and functionality in the setting. Home automation offers a high level of convenience and can save you time and energy maintaining the house. If you want to stay updated with your home automation system, there are a few trends to be aware of for 2021.

More Energy-efficiency

Home automation system thermostats are reducing the energy costs in 2021 by automatically turning off devices when they’re not in use for a period of time. They can also provide you with thorough reports by tracking your energy usage throughout the month to ensure you’re aware of what products or devices are using the most energy. By getting a better understanding of your energy usage, it can allow you to make the necessary changes on the property. Although some of the devices can be an investment, the savings you obtain with your lower energy usage can make it worth the cost.

Voice Assistants

Home automation now comes with voice assistants to make it easier to control the technology and perform verbal commands. Voice assistants allow the systems to get a better understanding of the homeowner’s instruction. The assistants have become more advanced in recent years and can have the ability to understand different languages or even voices with accents. They can now differentiate between multiple voices

Smart Lighting

When you use a newer home automation system, it can allow you to take advantage of smart bulbs and products to use less energy when illuminating your home. The smart lights can learn your schedule and routines to ensure they turn off and on at the right time to avoid wasting any energy. The technology can connect to your smartphone device or tablet to ensure you can control the lighting on the property or if you’re away from the building.

Improved Home Security 

The home security that comes with home automation system comes with multiple products that include smart locks, smart surveillance, and even smart sensors. You can closely monitor every foot of your property to protect your safety and belongings from intruders.

Home security in 2021 also comes with advanced night insight to ensure you’re immediately alerted to any suspicious activity that may occur to ensure you can immediately notify the authorities.

Hyper-automated Kitchens

Kitchens are now more controlled by technology for added convenience when cooking and preparing meals. Many types of appliances are now connected to smartphones, which can allow you to turn on the oven to preheat it when you’re on your way home from work. Smart fridges also come with memos, shopping list apps, and calendars to ensure everything you need is digitally in one space. They also come with built-in recipe apps and voice assistant features to ensure you can add items to the grocery list or calendar without having to get a pen and paper out.

Knowing the latest trends for 2021 to use when creating a smart home can allow you to find new ways of creating a more habitable and functional setting for your family. With access to the latest gadgets, it can allow you to get more use out of your home while feeling more safe and secure.