Are Tankless Water Heaters Worth The Expense?

Are Tankless Water Heaters Worth The Expense?

Sam Leslie

Owner | Mesa Plumbing, Heating and Cooling

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We’ve come to regard hot water as a necessity for modern life, and it’s hard to imagine not being able to bathe in hot water or use it for cooking and cleaning. However, we often think little about where our hot water comes from until it’s time install a new water heater in your home. Although traditional tank water heaters are still common, an energy-efficient alternative has become an increasingly popular alternative: tankless water heaters. Here are some facts about tankless water heaters and whether they’re worth the extra cost.

Better Efficiency

Most water heaters depend on energy through electricity, natural gas or oil to warm the water. Traditional tank water heaters have to store a large volume of water at once, and some of this heat eventually radiates away, leading to energy losses. Tankless designs, on the other hand, can convert nearly all of the energy into heat, making them far more efficient. Depending on the cost of energy in your area, this can lead to significant savings over time. Furthermore, reducing your energy usage reduces you impact on the environment and places less stress on energy infrastructure.

Unlimited Hot Water Supply

Tank-based water heaters hold a limited amount of water, and some families find themselves regularly running out of water as multiple people take showers or use hot water for cooking or washing dishes. Tankless designs, on the other hand, heat water on demand, meaning they can keep running as long as your home has water and a source of energy. For those who regularly host guests or run low on hot water, switching to a tankless design might be worth the added cost due to the added convenience.

Slower Operation

Because tankless designs heat water on demand, it takes some time for the water to warm up. This can lead to a bit of a delay when preparing to bathe. This delay also wastes a bit of water. Fortunately, modern tankless water heaters warm up faster than older designs, and some even hold some hot water in reserve to deliver instant hot water. These designs are a bit less energy efficient, but they still significantly outperform tank-based designs.

Hard Water Concerns

The added complexity of tankless heaters means they’re susceptible to problems caused by hard water. If the mineral content of your water is too high, it can lead to clogs and other problems, which can be expensive to repair. Hard water can affect traditional water heaters as well, but the effect is more apparent on tankless designs. Before installing a tankless heater, make sure the water you receive has a mineral count below the manufacturer’s stated threshold.

Traditional water heaters still perform admirably, and, in homes where the is adequate space, they might be the right choice. However, the added efficiency of tankless heaters cuts into these savings over time, and the added convenience of on-demand water may be worthwhile for some individuals. Furthermore, tankless water heaters can add value to your home, making them a wise investment. Regardless of which option you choose, make sure to research adequately to avoid potential problems in the future.